Penrite Classic Light 20W60 5ltr


Penrite Classic Light is an SAE 20W-60 oil and can be used to replace SAE 30 and 20W-50 grades.  It has been previously sold in the UK under the name HPR30.

Specifically made for engines manufactured between 1950 and 1975 including most classic cars, particularly high performance vehicles such as MG, Jaguar, Triumph and Porsche. Also good for motorcycles of the same vintage.  Also suitable for cars running six volt electric systems and motorcycles, where cranking / kick start speeds require an engine to turn over with minimal drag.

This broad spectrum multigrade means that starter motor cranking loads are reduced as compared to a monograde oil, while hot oil pressure is improved.


Penrite Classic Light

SAE Viscosity20W-60Viscosity Index (VI)134

Performance LevelAPI: SG / CD

Zinc as ZDDP (ppm) 1610

Base Oil GroupGrp IIDetergent
Dispersant Package
ModerateOtherIncludes corrosion protection & tackiness
additive for lay-up periods